Bold, Black & Beautiful Nurses
Bold, Black & Beautiful Nurses is a community striving together to change the narrative of the African American Nurse in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We work to encourage every perspective nurse to successfully complete an accredited nursing program by way of mentorship and preceptor education. Through our networking events and social media outlets, we hope to inspire all members to become leaders in the advance practice of nursing.
Bold, Black & Beautiful Nurses (B3N) is a networking membership group based in the Steel City. This group was developed to create a space for nurses to network and celebrate each other’s accomplishments. We pride ourselves with creating an atmosphere that encourages relationship building among like minded individuals, employment opportunities as they become available, and ensuring that our members have the necessary tools to succeed and compete in the ever changing field of medicine.
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Meet Our Team

Gwendolyn Lane FNP (BC) , Founder

Shawn Lane, Co- Founder, Operations Manager